Mission Statement
It is the primary mission of the Wallowa County Education Service District to furnish services, which support state and local efforts to provide an efficient and high quality educational opportunity for each public school student residing in the constituent local districts of Wallowa County Education Service District.
We work as a cooperative, creative team, dedicated to enhancing the learning of the communities' children by designing and delivering services responsive to school district needs. Our services strive to demonstrate leadership, wise utilization of resources, cooperative relationships with school districts and other agencies, and a commitment to being a learning and evolving organization.
Children are our most important natural resource.
All children can learn.
A strong system of public education is essential to the future of our society.
Cooperative interagency relationships strengthen services to children.
Cooperative interagency relationships maximize resources.
Delivering effective services to schools is a process of continuous improvement.
Collaborative, supportive working relationships that value diversity within the ESD are vital to achieving our mission.
A quality and constantly evolving staff are essential to carrying out the mission of the agency.
To assist the component local school districts and other appropriate agencies in fulfilling state and federal mandates requiring appropriate educational and related services for handicapped students.
To assist the component local school districts in fulfilling local, state or federal requirements and/or needs for alternatives to the regular school program or special instruction for specified students.
To assist the component local school districts in the development, improvement, and/or support of their programs of instruction.
To assist the component local school districts and other appropriate agencies in meeting local and state requirements and/or needs for (a) program assessment, (b) student academic, psychological and other assessment and identification, (c) student attendance, and (d) student mental and physical health.
To assist the component local school districts and other appropriate agencies in their efficient and effective operation.
To assist the State Board of Education in providing state level services, to deliver essential support services to school districts so that the districts meet state standards and comply with state laws and to respond to district needs.
To assist in achieving interorganizational cooperation and coordination of health care, social services, employment training with school districts and child- and youth-serving organizations.
To maintain a client-oriented agency by using varied and flexible service deliveries and by giving school districts the opportunity to participate in decisions about what services will be offered.
To operate the agency in a manner which is consistent with the public interest.