How/Why We Serve
The services Wallowa County ESD (Region 18) provides fall under what is called the "Local Service Plan".
Background to Local Service Plans
The historical “resolution service process” followed by Wallowa County ESD has been merged with the development of a “Local Service Plan” in keeping with the Oregon’s revised statutes. This plan has been put together with consultation from superintendents and principals from all the school districts in Wallowa County. Oregon law requires the Wallowa ESD’s Local Service Plan to include the following services:
Administrative and support services for component school districts, including but not limited to services designed to consolidate component school district business functions, liaison services between the Department of Education and component school districts and registration of children being taught by private teachers, parents, or legal guardians pursuant to ORS 339.035.
Programs for children with special needs, including but not limited to special education services for at-risk students and professional development for employees who provide those services.
School improvement services for component school districts, including but not limited to services designed to support component school districts in meeting the requirements of state and federal law, services designed to facilitate a review – and implementation - of the state and federal standards related to the provision of a quality education by component school districts, services designed to address school-wide behavior and climate issues, professional technical education and professional development for employees who provide those services.
Technology support for component school districts and the planning needs of those districts, including but not limited to technology infrastructure services, data services, telephone services, instructional technology services, distance learning and professional development for employees who provide those services
In addition to services that fall within the LSP, Wallowa County ESD provides a number on contracted service to our school districts.
For more information, contact us